Leading MOments, LLC

The Vision of Leading Moments, LLC is to develop the effectiveness of Christian leaders.

Leading Moments, LLC is a ministry service that provides Leading Moments leadership development training in the field of ministry and Leading Moments business training in the field of leadership development.    

A leading moment is any moment that calls for character, vision and influence.

The focus of Leading Moments, LLC is to help congregational leaders and those who lead other groups and organizations to recognize their leading moments and to respond in increasingly effective ways as they cast vision, deploy teams and lead in the contexts of the many adaptive challenges they face.

Central to effective leadership is the soul-care and leadership-capacity of the leader. With soul-care the leader focuses on the inner life of faith and personal self-care. With a growing leadership-capacity, the leader broadens the scope of effective influence.

Leading Moments, LLC offers a variety of Leading Moments™ programs to grow leaders:

  • The Acts 16:5 Initiative is a three-year Leading Moments™ program designed for pastors and their lay-leaders to lead their congregation to new levels of vitality, whether their congregations are large or small, floundering or flourishing.
  • The Barnabas Leadership Group is a two-year Leading Moments™ program to grow the soul-care and leadership capacity of Christian leaders.


E. Stanley Ott – President of Leading Moments, LLC

E. Stanley Ott, Ph.D. has taught principles of congregational vitality, transformation, missional endeavor and leadership to thousands of Christian leaders throughout the United States and abroad. As pastor, he has served congregations for over forty years and has experienced firsthand the challenges of leadership at every level. He is the president of Leading Moments, LLC and the Vital Churches Institute, Inc.,

Stan’s publications include:

  • “Building One Another”  - a blog of Christian encouragement http://www.buildingoneanother.com
  • Twelve Dynamic Shifts for Transforming Your Church (Eerdmans)
  • Transform Your Church with Ministry Teams (Eerdmans)
  • The Vibrant Church: A People-Building Plan For Congregational Health (Regal)
  • The Joy of Discipling: Friend with Friend and Heart with Heart (Zondervan)
  • Vision for a Vital Church (Vital Faith Resources)
  • Small Group Life (Vital Faith Resources)